To kiss or to hug? That is the Question

Greetings: Didn't play out the way you planned.

A hug, a kiss, a handshake? Nothings at all?


Greetings as well as goodbyes can be a bit awkward if you don't know what the other person is comfortable with, or what is appropriate for the situation. 

Greetings are different in every culture, that is what makes it tricky. Albanians always kiss both cheeks (at least) twice to say hello and goodbye, this is what I was used to growing up. I used to DREAD when family friends would visit because I did not want to be smothered by prickly beards and red sticky lips.

When I got to America I noticed the kisses stopped and hugs were the norm when it came to greetings. You only hear of kissing when it was for romantic or flirty situations Now I always hug my friends hello and goodbye. Depending on my relationship with the person the hug can range from a quick pat on the back to a big dragged out bear hug.

When my Albanian/Greek cousin came to live with me this summer she was like a breath of fresh air. She is extremely affectionate and loving in her actions. This has to do with two things; her nature and her culture. She always kissed me on the cheeks to say hello, goodnight, good morning, and just because :)

I started to love being kissed hello again, and I even started to reciprocate with her, my close family and friends. I wish more people would kiss hello, although I get it is not a natural part of American culture.

I think that it is important to show affection to the ones you love and care about. European men kiss and hug each other all the time, and I think that is wonderful. A lot of American guys hug one another too, but they sometimes say "no-homo" as if being touching another male or showing love to them is gay. 


American guys tend to "dap" each other which is like a sort of handshake where you snap each others fingers.  Seems complicated to me, I am so glad I am not an American male, hah!

You can get creative with it too...

They can also go for the ever popular "high five/ hug combo". If you do not execute it correctly, there is a lot at risk. 100% chance that it will become totally awkward.


That feeling when you feel awkward for someone else...THE WORST!

The best way to avoid awkwardness is to do what you feel comfortable doing, and if the person you are greeting does not understand, just make a joke about it and you will figure out what makes sense for the both of you. Hugs are probably your safest bet in the States, and a handshake is always your go to in a business setting!

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