All Saints' Day

Dolcetto o scherzetto?!

Does Italy celebrate Halloween? Yes it does, but for sure not in the American way. We have “stolen” this tradition and used it to party! We like to party! So every excuse is valuable!
I was looking forward spending Halloween here, and I was asking myself if children really do house to house to trick or treat. Yes they do!
When I headed back home after school, streets were already crowded with children in many different costumes. I got excited and I spend some time giving candies to all these children, and to some grown-ups, coming on the porch of the house were I live. Sound silly but for me being there and doing it was just another amazing experience my adventure in the US gave me.

When I went Downtown with some friends, without really known where we were going, I was expecting to see more people partying all around, but it was quite. It was also a Thursday night, and I didn’t know where the real stuff was going on.

In Italy, in the last couple of years, people are starting to appreciate and celebrate Halloween and dressing up, even if it is still a small part of them. Some small towns are trying to promote the trick or treat for children, but the majority is reluctant to accept this tradition. Houses are note decorated, shops are, but this has probably more to do with strategic marketing.
What we do is going to a club, and every club will have a special Halloween event, or we throw a party in someone’s house. In the last couple of years I’ve been clubbing for Halloween, but clubs were so crowded and once when I was much younger I tried with some of my friends to ring at people’s door to trick or treat. I still remember that some of them were so nice and appreciated our initiative, some other were not at all, so we “trashed” their houses with toilet paper!

In Italy the real Holiday is on the next day: today, the first of November, All Saints’ Day. Italians are off from work and who is Christian goes to church to attend a special mess, in reminding of all beloved people they lost. This mess usually takes place in the cemetery. I used to go there with my family, and then we spent time with our relatives. In the time of the year when we start eating chestnuts. I find it a bit of sad celebration but it’s part of our culture and this is what we are talking about in this blog!

I hope you are all enjoying our post and appreciating our willingness to share with you our stories! We would love to here something from you! Your impression and any inquires!

Xo Xo Camilla


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Camilla,
    our children learn at school overseas tradition ad I think that Halloween will be best known in future. So I search in internet some recipe and we had fun to prepare some sweets for a trick or trea children party. I'm curios to taste candy corn, I never seen them in Italy, do you?
    I appreciate you wrote about our All Saint's Day <3

  3. Thank you Chiara!!!
    I've never tried it!but I will do it for you! ;) however i've eaten a lot of candies while I was giving it to children!
