What Are You Doing This Weekend?

Dating is...


In the best case scenario you realize there is serious love potential. In the worst case scenario you now know exactly the kind of person you don't want to be with. Either way you come out of it with a good story to tell...eventually.

First Date

When I hear "date" I think of  going out to dinner; they're pretty much synonymous. Most men opt for dinner, because it's easy & has the least amount of risk involved - or thought.

BTW This counts for Italian and German guys too! Camilla and Christina told me that guys over there do the same thing, they aren't any more  creative then the average American man!

For those readers out there thinking this is going to be a male-bashing blog post about how men really need to pick up their slack and read a book on chivalry - it's not. I am not trying to criticize men for not being creative, even though most of them would admit to it themselves. 

First dates are a way to get to know somebody better right? Do you feel that you are being your natural self when you are sitting in an uncomfortable chair across from somebody you know little about, accompanied with just the sound of clattering silverware and the low hum of music? Nah, probably not...or maybe you do, who knows?

I know I would not be comfortable in that setting right away, because it feels like an interview. Dinner dates are a bit too serious, constraining, and unoriginal for me.

There can be add pressure when the night starts winding down because that's when the elephant walks into the room... Do you kiss, hug, shake hands, wave bye and never see each other again?! 


If you want to go in for the kill, here are some tips. Yup YouTube has everything.


Having a bad first kiss could make or break the entire ordeal for some people. You've heard it before, and you'll hear it again, do not use too much tongue because it is just never a good way to start...ever. Or maybe don't use tongue at all, keep it classy. I believe that if two people "click" on a mental and emotional level, the physical aspect will come naturally. 

Just do not do this.

Honesty hour: I usually always turn down dinner as a first date. Not because I've had a traumatic experience, but because I'd rather do something  more exciting than just sit and eat food. On that note, I think going out for Coffee/Tea to your favorite shop ( Don't say Starbucks, please ) then going for a walk to explore the area is okay for a simple day date. You can do this if you want to keep things chill while getting to know someone a littler better - nothing serious.

Recipe for a great First Date

Is doing something new for at least one of you. If it is new for the both of you, that is even better! It creates a very exciting atmosphere full of possibilities, plus you get to see how one another reacts to new situations. You are both filled with questions and you automatically have a topic to fall back on if you get nervous and don't know what to talk about.


 On our first date my boyfriend Hagop asked me to go to a Jamaican Festival "JerkFest" on a Saturday afternoon. Not only was I comfortable with this, I was actually SUPER excited for the Festival. 

Hagop tries on a Rasta hat, Mon.

It was a good move on his part because I was already impressed with his originality. I am an Anthropology minor, so I love all things culture, plus it was something I had never done before. It was fun, lighthearted, and it was something we both experienced for the first time, together.

The Bottom Line: Best thing a guy can do is be original and set yourself out from the rest of the guys out there, which shouldn't be too hard because we are all unique. Take your date out to go do something you enjoy, that way she get's to see a little of your world and you can see how well she'd fit into it.

Who Pays?

The best advice I can give you is chivalry is NOT dead. Paying for her won't clean out your account, plus being kind is never out of style. Listen to this man discuss modern day chivalry. He is truly awesome.

Please tell me what you think of this video everyone, I am really curious to know others' opinions on this topic, especially along side the male and female equality aspects of it. Should women pay, should you split the bill?

Please comment :)

With Love,

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