Twerk or Treat?

Title Disclaimer:  100% sure America will be littered with way too many "Miley Cyrus's"  today.

Halloween is a highly celebrated holiday in the U.S because it is the only day you can dress like a hooligan and be considered clever, smart or funny for doing so- and you can even win a contest or two! 
What is wonderful about October 31st is the fact that it isn't age restricted; infants, kids, teenagers, and adults celebrate it together in full attire. Everyone gets a chance to be creative and allow our inner child out to play ( sounds creepy ).

When it comes to costumes there are 4 routes you can take 

Classic/Cheesy Halloween default costume, Scary/gruesome, Creative/Clever or Promiscuous/ Sexy.
MOST women choose the last route ( probably because women feel most worthy when they are deemed attractive or sexy by men....but that is another story). Also women get a "get out of jail free card" on this day, so they take full advantage and go balls to the wall - no shame whatsoever. Guys tend to be more creative on Halloween - which is awesome ! I wish more girls went for a funny/unique costume rather than just sexy.

Miranda from Sex & the City said it best : "There are only two choices for womenwitch or sexy kitten"

Most females ages 13-30 go for the sexy (slutty) look because like I said before, it is the only time of the year you can look like that and not be judged. Girls will turn just about any costume "sexy" for Halloween. For example:

Great Female Costumes Ideas:

Comic Girl
Frida Kahlo

Human Centipede (GROSS)

Great Male Costumes Ideas:

Fresh Prince
Breaking Bad

Best Couple Costumes:

Bonnie and Clyde

Addams Family

Halloween is the perfect time to get out of your comfort zone and test your creativity. It is a time to have fun and enjoy trick-or-treating, partying, or watching scary movies on your couch and handing out candies to little kids!

I hope everyone has a fun, spooky, and delicious Halloween 


Love, Liv

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