Leben - Start of something new! Impressions of a German.

Leben - Start of something new!

Impressions of a German.

My dream was always to go abroad and explore the world. That’s why I decided to study “International Business Administration” in Fulda.
The University of Applied Science in Fulda was the first stepping stone into an “international career”. I was given not only the opportunity to study this great subject, but also to go abroad.

Luckily, I got the chance to attend the Hessen-Massachusetts-Program. I had to choose three universities. And guess what, I got my first wish! It was like winning the lotto.

After the organization and bureaucracy, I was able to finally step onto the plane! It was a weird feeling to leave my parents at the airport, but I knew it would be a start of an exciting journey. 

Since it wasn’t my first time in the United States, I knew a little what to expect. Traveling alone though, was new to me and it felt like a roller coaster of feelings; I had a lump in my throat leaving my parents. 
Going trough security check was exciting and scarry at the same time. I asked myself questions like; 

Will I be able to bring the little electronic teddy bear for my niece and the German bread for my sister?

I stepped through the beeper and what happened? It beeped!
I thought: Why? I have nothing metallically on me!

At the end of the big security control – the woman just says: You were randomly chosen by the computer!
I thought: Couldn’t you tell me that before!?

 Being finally on the plane felt great, because I knew; “Now my big journey starts! Nothing can stop me!”.
Thought too soon!

I wasn’t to worry as my plane arrived a little late. Though, when I stood in the line for security check the boarding for the connecting flight has already started, I was just thinking: “please plane stay where you are! I will be there in few a minutes”. As I realized  how far away my gate was and that I had  to take a shuttle bus to a different terminal, I was certain my plain must have left. This made me think: "Do I have to stay here?"

Luckily the plane was still waiting for us, me and another girl from Paris.

The first impression of being to the US after 3 years is following;

Airport Nashville, USA

Airport Nashville, USA

Airport Frankfurt, Germany

US-Airports have carpeted floor while in Germany they have tile floor. Carpeted floor creates a special atmosphere I have not recognized before at any other airport I have been to. 

Taking the first sip from a soda at a restaurant made me think: 
Hm, that´s different! That’s not a Sprite like in Germany. Why is this tasting differently?
It had a flavor of chlorine I didn’t care for.  Most Americans probably do not taste it, since they are used to it, but I can and I don’t think I can get used to it.
My solution for this problem, take ice tea or hot tea! 
Why ice tea or hot tea? 
Due to the boiling process the beverage tastes perfect and there is no flavor of chlorine anymore!

 A hint for people who have the same problem:
1. Try the tab water, if there is a flavor of chlorine most likely the soda will taste like it as well. 
2. If the water tastes good, you either could enjoy your water or proceed and order your favorite soda.
3. If you do not enjoy your water order a tee or ice tea.

You will not have a problem of a chlorinated drink when restaurants use beverages from bottles, but if they mix the drinks, you can have bad or good luck. Restaurants which use filters will not have any taste of chlorine.

First time at the grocery store was overwhelming! Grocery stores are huge in America as well as packages and product selection! I thought. I was in the store for few minutes, but when I looked at my watch I realized, I was there forever trying to decide which product to take.

By the way, the price tags are different compared to Europe. 

All the signs and discounts are little confusing, for example the sign 8/15$. How much is one unit? What if I only want to buy one! So, now I am getting used to convert the prices.  My first purchase I did not really know what I would have to pay at the end.

Further on, don’t forget the tax at the end of the purchase as well. In Europe taxes are added on to the price tag, you know exactly what you will have to pay at the end, in US it is a surprise. In some stores you get discounts for some products if you have a membership card, so it’s a surprise again.

Impressive is, that most people in the States are very friendly, courteous and helpful. If you are looking lost at the map, they just come and offer you help. That’s amazing and I like it! I am not sure if it is just in Boston like that, but I assume, all Americans are very helpful. 

In Germany you would have to ask for help. Most Germans feel that approaching someone might bother them.  So far all the people I met were very social and loved the small talk. Every time I went downtown I got to meet someone. They tell their little stories and you are telling your own. I am very surprised to how many Germans are in Boston, I never would have thought about that. I really like and enjoy the conversations.

Driving on the highway with multiple lanes for the first time in the US caused a weird, scary and unpleasant feeling in me; you are sitting in a car driving in the middle lane and from both sides cars are overtaking you. It’s like you are stuck in the middle. In Europe you expect people to pass you just on the left side. 

In my opinion Americans have to be more cautious while driving, because they have to pay attention to both sides, if they want to pass a car.
No passing on the right side in Germany. 
I hope you liked reading this post and come back to explore more of my experience. If you feel like leaving a comment or share you experience visiting US or Europe, please do. I would like to hear what first impressions you had and if they were similar to the ones I made.

Love life.
Liebe das Leben.


PS: I was camping and hiking in Adirondack over the Columbus weekend and had no internet connection. I will definitely write something about my first hiking and camping experience in the US in my future blog posts. Stay tuned. 

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